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film & television production Amplify

financiers APTN | Canada Media Fund

released 2020

format TV Full Series

genre Documentary

medium Live Action

run time 13 x 22 minutes

director Shane Belcourt

language(s) English


With Amplify we want to get to the heart of the thing. We want to expose meaning and connections that reveal themselves within a process of creating. In each of 13 episodes, a new up-and-coming musician is paired with a work of art from another discipline or key historic event and invited to create a new song that best encapsulates their inspiration. Imagine, if you will, an artist like Iskwe taking Maria Campbell’s Halfbreed and turning the essence of that seminal work into a new song, or perhaps Logan Staats attempting to turn Daphne Odjig’s visionary Indian in Transition painting into a song. In each case, we track not only the journey of the artist as they create the piece — from diary cam footage to in-studio rehearsals — but also delve into the greater meaning and connection this inspiration has within their own lives and at this point of time. The journey culminates in the finished product — the new song — and that means each episode ends with a unique live performance of a new work. Throughout the episode, the up-and-coming musician will also be “bio-doc’d” allowing for excerpts of different live performances from their careers to be shown, and for the audience to come to know their voices and get a full sense of their sound.

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